Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Here's part two of our three part special on Aileen Wuornos. You'll hear all about the murders, victims and Aileen's capture in this episode. There's also chat about drugs, single shopping trips and Kiri sets a world record for yawning. Rachel has also learned what "Ass to Mouth" is. It's more dreadful than the murders.
Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode thirty nine is part one of a three part special and it concerns The Florida Highway Killer, Aileen Wuornos. It's a grim one, so strap in. Don't worry though, it's not all relentless misery, hear about Rachel's quest to stop smoking, Kiri's coitus related hip problems and find out why the sound may have more of an echo than usual...actually maybe it is all relentless misery.