Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 81 part 3 takes another look at a horrible pair of maniacs, the Hillside Stranglers; Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono. This section covers their exceptionally long trial. Rachel is thrilled.
The girls also find time to talk about becoming lesbians, making friends on holiday and Rachel starts the episode by committing a hate crime with some pants.
Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 81 part 2 takes another look at a horrible pair of maniacs, the Hillside Stranglers; Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono. This section covers their murderous spree so it's not an easy listen, not just because Kiri is yet again talking about her septic tank. Rachel gets riled up about libraries, people who don't wear pajamas and signing for parcels. Oh, and if you listen right to the end there's a little bonus treat if you're into bizarre sneezes.
Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 81 takes a look at a horrible pair of maniacs, the Hillside Stranglers; Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono. Turns out there's other things to chat about too like eating pubes, cash in hand jobs and Rachel wants to know why you're all getting Oasis wrong.